samedi 13 juillet 2019


Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic nose surgery that aims to harmonize its shape with the rest
of the face by decreasing the unsightly hump, the width of the nose or its wings, 
raising or lowering its tip or correcting a deviation of the stop or the nasal septum.
It also serves to increase the size of the nose by a bone implant.
Our expert surgeons will discuss with you all the factors necessary to take into
consideration before the intervention, such as the size and shape of the forehead, 
cheekbones, chin, etc.
you will also have the opportunity to discuss the future shape of your nose on the basis 
of drawings and by means of result simulation software.
For smaller nose repairs, hyaluronic acid injections are a good alternative to rhinoplasty.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "rhinoplastie"

intervention :

Rhinoplasty lasts between 1 and 2 hours under general anesthesia.
The patient must stop smoking, avoid sun exposure and be in good health on the day
of the procedure.
The patient must be over 17 years old.
The patient can return home the day of the intervention because it does not necessarily 
require hospitalization.
The patient can return to work after at least 3 days, do the sport after 30 days.
A cast of compression protects the nose after the intervention; it will be removed at
the same time as the threads after 8 days.


The result of the intervention can be appreciated from a month, but it is necessary 
to wait 6 months for this one to be definitive.

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