samedi 13 juillet 2019


Abdominoplasty or belly surgery is a cosmetic and plastic surgery Perfectly practiced in Tunisia which involves removing the excess skin and toning the abdominal muscles.

 The abdominoplasty surgery may vary from one person to another according to their case: mini adominoplasty, extended abdominoplasty, muscular plasty (performed in parallel in case of relaxation of the rectus muscles) and sometimes combination of liposuction in the flanks and the abdomen, performed in the same operating time. A complete personalized diagnosis (including blood work and pre-anesthetic consultation planned) is required before treatment. 

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For who ? :

Tummy tucks are for men and women who have experienced significant weight changes, successive pregnancies or those affected by the adverse effects of old age, so it is recommended for people who have an excess of fatty tissue and distension of the body. skin of the abdomen is that can sometimes be accompanied by stretch marks, or scars. 


It requires the realization of a sub-umbilical incision (below the navel) and the extraction of fat accumulated in the belly. performed under general anesthesia. Lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the surgical procedure to perform. The hospitalization is 2 days maximum. The scars : It can leave two localized scars at the suprapubic and peri-umbilical level. Their wingspan is minimized by the use of very fine and resorbable son of sutures.
 Abdominoplasty and pregnancy: 
This cosmetic surgery is recommended to erase the undesirable effects of pregnancy, such as an increase in belly volume, but it is possible after at least 6 months of delivery, that is to say as soon as the initial weight is found and the stabilized abdominal wall.


The final result is acquired from the 3rd month. The belly will be well firmed and the muscles will be tight. The patient must have a healthy lifestyle and balanced to ensure the sustainability of this aspect.

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