samedi 13 juillet 2019


The gaze is the window of the soul, but with time and because of aging, its beauty is altered, hence the role of the most effective solution, the plepharoplasty, and it is very well controlled with perma-aesthetics thanks to our competent surgeons in Tunisia.
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "blepharoplasty" Blepharoplasty in Tunisia or eyelid surgery and eye surgery is an aesthetic surgery that serves to restore the look of vivacity by correcting the sad and tired appearance induced by loosening of the skin of the eyelids. 


 The blepharoplasty in Tunisia allows intervention in the upper eyelids and / or lower. It is used to eliminate bags under the eyes, to correct distention of the forehead or sagging tail of the eyebrows. The incision hidden in a natural fold or made flush with the eyelashes is virtually undetectable.
Local anesthesia
Operating time: 1 to 2 hours.

Hospitalization: does not require hospitalization. (outpatient). 


 Erase fine lines, rejuvenate the look and bring radiance to the entire face. It is necessary to wait between 3 and 6 months to have the final result of a blepharoplasty, the time necessary for the edema to regress completely. The resection of fat pockets is definitive and will not reoffend. The skin of the eyelids will continue to age and can resume after several years a wrinkled and wrinkled appearance. A new resection of skin may be considered after 10 years.

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