mercredi 17 juillet 2019

Breast lifting

All women want to keep the breast of their young forever, in harmony and firmness, indeed, sagging breasts are a psychological and aesthetic discomfort, and often experienced as a loss of femininity.

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Hence the role of the breast lift that offers a second life to the neckline that gains firmness, and gives a better self-image.
The facelift is indicated when pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes or a breast hypotrophy have caused a relaxation of the chest which then has an excess of skin and a loss of elasticity.   The surgeon removes the excess skin via an areolar or vertical incision. In Tunisia and with Peerma aesthetics the cost is within the reach of all and the best conditions of health and hygiene are assured.
The procedure lasts 2 to 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia and usually requires one night of hospitalization.
Postoperative recommendations: A medical bra should be worn during the first month.
The sport is forbidden during the first month, and you need rest without major movements for at least 10 days. Breastfeeding is still possible after the procedure although it is advisable to wait until the end of the pregnancies before carrying out the operation.
The intervention can be performed from 17 years but it is generally advisable to wait until the end of pregnancy before considering it, so as not to alter the benefits. An asymmetry correction, a reduction or a breast augmentation can be performed in the same operating time, especially in case of insufficient volume in the upper part of the cleavage.
The results: 

The next day, the behavior of the bust is visibly improved, and the chest remains natural. The result is visible in a definitive way after three months and the patient will benefit from a chest volume in harmony and in adequacy with her body. it is the best solution to restore volume to the chest without implant placement.

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