samedi 13 juillet 2019


Mental cosmetic surgery or genioplasty / mentoplasty is an effective plastic surgery
that corrects two types of chin imperfections: the chin too advanced, protruding galle, 
and the receding chin that is in the recoil position, to obtain a harmony of the profile
and a better balance between the chin and the rest of the face.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "mentoplasty"


It consists in correcting the shape of the chin which will then be fixed by titanium plates
and screws.
The duration is approximately 1 hour to 1:30
under general or local anesthesia depending on the defect to be corrected.
Hospitalization of 3 nights for post-operative care to be provided in the clinic.
On the aesthetic level, an imaginary line appears when you see the face of the profile. 
This line is drawn from the forehead passing over the tip of the nose and down to the
 base of the chin.
The procedure does not affect the dentate or the cheeks.
The patient must be over 18 years old.


The result is visible immediately,
a chin refined and in harmony with the profile, but it is definitive only after 3 months 
after the complete resorption of the edema.

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