samedi 13 juillet 2019

Buccal fat removal

Bichectomy also called the reduction of Bichat's balls
is a cosmetic surgery that improves the facial features and significantly refine the bichat 
ball to allow to dig the cheeks.
This is the treatment of the "baby" aspect.
The balls of Bichat are normal masses of fat located in the cheeks, under the cheekbones, 
responsible for the too filled appearance of the cheeks.
The bichectomy is a cosmetic surgery very common in the fashion world, presenters TV,
and also in people wishing to harmonize the volume of their cheeks to highlight their 

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For who ? :

the Bichat balls reduction is for people who want to refine their faces by getting rid of the 
"puffy" look. (Bichat balls hypertrophied).


The bichectomy consists in removing only a part of the Bichat ball and not all of it, 
that's why it is called REDUCTION of the Bichat balls.
The surgeon makes an incision that measures between 10 and 20 mm inside the mouth
 above the upper molars, in the lining of the inside of the cheek to identify the
Bichat ball and remove the excess that expresses itself spontaneously so as not to 
damage all anatomical structures.
No visible scar since the incision is hidden inside the mouth.
Operating time: 45 minutes.
Type of anesthesia: general
Hospitalization: outpatient


The result of the bichectomy is visible immediately which allows the surgeon to measure
the reduction of the fat ball, however, it will not be definitive after 3 months the time 
required for the edema is resorbed.

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