jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Gastric Ring Surgery

Gastric Ring Surgery is an intervention related to obesity surgery or bariatric surgery that occurs most often after the failure of other methods to lose weight, it reduces the capacity of the stomach and slow down the passage of food through the rest of the digestive tract with a small inflatable circle that is placed around the entrance of the stomach to restrict it, so it will form a pocket, somehow a funnel, which will block the food and will trigger a feeling of satiety more quickly over a long period of time.

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The installation of the gastric band is possible for anyone aged 18 to 65 suffering from obesity for more than 3 years.


It takes place on the day of entry, and lasts 10 to 15 minutes in a patient who has never been operated on the stomach,
Thus, it can last up to one hour in patients who have already undergone surgery on the stomach.

It is performed under general anesthesia and laparoscopically, that is to say with 4 to 5 small orifices.
At the end of the procedure, the patient remains in the recovery room until complete recovery, usually for about 1 hour.

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