mercredi 17 juillet 2019

Breast lipofilling

Breast lipofilling, or liposculpture, is particularly suitable for women who already have a medium chest, but who want to go to the next height.
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 Indeed, it allows to win a cap without using breast implants. A significant improvement of the curve of the breast is also noted and the possibility of asymmetrical breast. Principle of breast lipofilling Lipofilling is intended for women who have excess fat, because they must take enough fat if the goal and increase the volume of the breasts (or buttocks). This is a natural technique that involves extracting fat cells that come from the belly, buttocks, thighs or other parts of the patient's body to reinject them into her breasts. Note that the fat cells are centrifuged and filtered for a few minutes before being reused. The cosmetic surgeon only keeps the "good fat cells". necessary conditions: to have a medium physical body size. This technique is not suitable for women with thin waist. The latter will be able to resort to breast augmentation with implant placement.

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