samedi 13 juillet 2019

Lipofilling of the face

The facial lipofilling in Tunisia or also lipostructure is an aesthetic surgery that allows to restore volume to a face, to reshape cheeks, to fill deep wrinkles, to treat folds of bitterness or an eyebrow. 

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For who ? :

Lipofilling face is for men and women who want to rejuvenate their faces or sculpt their features.


Lipofilling is the process of taking fat from the patient's body from an area that does not leave any visible marks, such as knees, belly, hips or buttocks, then purifying the fat with a filtration system to keep only the so-called pure fat and reinject it using a microcannula into the recipient area.
Lipo (fat) filling (filling) The lipofilling procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
Operating time: 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the number of areas to be grafted.
Hospitalization: a few hours (outpatient) Work leave: 5 days The patient must avoid sun exposure on the day of the procedure. Lipofilling can be combined with other cosmetic treatments such as facelifts or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).


The result is visible immediately but the final result is visible after about 3 months, the time that the fat is stabilized in the injected area. the lipofiling or the lipostructure is well mastered by our surgeons in Tunisia, it allows to restore the volumes of the face while preserving the global harmony, respecting its proportions, while leaving him a natural aspect, which gives to the patient a real good to be psychological. The injected fat in the face also improves the quality of the skin.

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