samedi 13 juillet 2019


The detached ears popularly known as "cauliflower ears" do not cause any repercussions
on hearing, but they can cause, from childhood, psychic and social problems, 
hence the role of otoplasty.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "otoplastie"

Otoplasty in Tunisia is the surgery of the ears detached or hypertrophied which
serves to reposition the ears or to
reshape their shapes and / or sizes so that they are in harmony with the rest of the face.
Otoplasty can also correct ears with torn or long lobes.

There are three types of detached ears that can occur in isolation or in combination:
When the anthelix is ​​the central fold of the ear, is insufficiently formed, the ear appears
 too smooth, unfolded. The correction consists of reshaping the cartilage.
When the helix which is the edge of the ear, is insufficiently formed, the ears are small
and rounded.
When the ear horn is highly developed, accentuating the projection of the ears forward.

For who ?? :

Otoplasty in Tunisia is for all people with an abnormality, it can be done at any age,
however, for children it is necessary to wait until the age of 7 years, the time required 
for the growth of the ear .

Intervention :

The surgeon makes an incision behind the flag and reposition the cartilage, and sometimes he takes a piece of cartilage for
reduce the size of the ear if it is necessary, and finally it draws the stitches in order to set up the dressing that will be removed after 3 days.
The scar is very discreet, it is hidden behind the ear.
The patient must wear a protection strip for 2 weeks, day and night.
Operating time: 1 to 2 hours
Anesthesia: Local with or without sedation.
Hospitalization: outpatient.
Work stoppage: 7 days.


The results of the otoplasty in Tunisia is durable and excellent.
Otoplasty presents a solution to the various psychological and social problems, it is used to obtain ears "glued", symmetrical, non-hypertrophic, and in harmony with the face.
The final result will be appreciated a few months after the intervention, the time necessary for the edema to be resorbed.

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