jeudi 18 juillet 2019

Sleeve gastrectomie is a chirurgie of l'obésité with a normal size of the estomac, is recommended in the one of obésité sévère. Medigo-esthétique, en partenariat avec les meilleures cliniques et chirurgiens en Tunisie, vous proposez cette intervention à un prix plus compétitif, et un résultat agréable Pour qui? La manche gastrectomie est recommandée pour les individus ayant une obésité abdominale avec un indice IMC supérieur à 55 (obésité classe III) et pour avoir accès au régime nutritionnel, le bypass et même l'anneau gastrique sont insuffisants pour y pallier. IMC, c'est quoi?
L'Indice de Masse Corporelle (IMC) permet de calculer les excès de masse dans le corps et de définir la corpulence. Plus le taux d'IMC est élevé, plus l'obésité est sévère. Comment calculer l'IMC? Pour calculer l'IMC il suffit d'être cette formule: Poids (kg) / (taille (m) * taille (m)).
L'intervention: Après une anesthé
sie générale, the chirurgien effectuer une résection longitudinale de l'estomac pour diminuer sa taille. Environ 3/4 de la capacité stomacale sont ôtés, ce qui va engendrer un sentiment rapide d'assouvissement (diminution de la sensation de faim) suite à la baisse de la sécrétion de la ghréline, hormone régulatrice de la faim. La durée: La manche gastrectomie dure entre 1 et 2 heures selon l'amplitude de l'obésité. La durée de l'hospitalisation: Une hospitalisation de 5 jours afin de bien suivre la fixation des agrafes soudantes. Le résultat d'une manche en Tunisie: One Sleeve bien pratiquée.

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass in Tunisia is the most effective obesity surgery for weight loss in case the person suffers from severe obesity;

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In partnership with the best clinics and the most competent surgeons in Tunisia, Perma Aesthetics gives you the opportunity to perform this procedure without pain and without the need to open the belly, the surgeon will practice six small incisions on the abdomen to access to your stomach through a small camera.
The intervention of the gastric bypass makes it possible to separate the stomach in two unequal parts with a small vertical pocket to modify the alimentary circuit and to reduce the volume of the stomach.
Food now arrives in the small pocket of the stomach, allowing the bypassed person to arrive more quickly and eat small portions The person must be over 18 years old and have a BMI ≥ 35. BMI is the body mass index and is obtained by dividing your weight by your height squared. Operating time: 2h hospitalization: 4 days Work leave: one month
Significant weight loss (estimated between 60 and 80%) following the decrease in ghrêline, which is the hormone of hunger Reduced risk of hypertension or progression to type II diabetes.

Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgery of obesity with a normal size of the stomach, is recommended in the one of severe obesity. Medigo-aesthetics, in partnership with the best clinics and surgeons in Tunisia, you propose this intervention at a more competitive price, and a pleasant result,

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For who?
The gastrectomy sleeve is recommended for individuals with abdominal obesity with a BMI index greater than 55 (obesity class III) and to have access to the nutritional regime, the bypass and even the gastric band are insufficient to overcome it.
What is BMI?
The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculates excess body mass and defines body mass. The higher the BMI, the more severe the obesity.
How to calculate BMI?
To calculate the BMI just be this formula: Weight (kg) / (size (m) * size (m)).
After a general anesthetic, the surgeon perform a longitudinal resection of the stomach to decrease its size. Approximately 3/4 of the stomach capacity is removed, which will generate a rapid feeling of satisfaction (decreased hunger) following the decrease in the secretion of ghrelin, hormone regulator of hunger. The duration: The gastrectomy sleeve lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the extent of obesity. Duration of hospitalization: A hospital stay of 5 days to follow the fixation of the staples.
The Result: One Sleeve well practiced.

Gastric Ring Surgery

Gastric Ring Surgery is an intervention related to obesity surgery or bariatric surgery that occurs most often after the failure of other methods to lose weight, it reduces the capacity of the stomach and slow down the passage of food through the rest of the digestive tract with a small inflatable circle that is placed around the entrance of the stomach to restrict it, so it will form a pocket, somehow a funnel, which will block the food and will trigger a feeling of satiety more quickly over a long period of time.

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The installation of the gastric band is possible for anyone aged 18 to 65 suffering from obesity for more than 3 years.


It takes place on the day of entry, and lasts 10 to 15 minutes in a patient who has never been operated on the stomach,
Thus, it can last up to one hour in patients who have already undergone surgery on the stomach.

It is performed under general anesthesia and laparoscopically, that is to say with 4 to 5 small orifices.
At the end of the procedure, the patient remains in the recovery room until complete recovery, usually for about 1 hour.


Penoplasty / surgery private parts:

Penoplasty in Tunisia is a widespread cosmetic surgery that involves improving the aesthetic appearance of the penis by correcting its shrunken appearance, which will enable it to feel better, physically and psychologically.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "penoplasty" For who ? The penoplasty is for men suffering from the smallness of their penises, yes who only seek to gain a little more confidence and to assert their virility.
Intervention: Regarding Penoplasty, there are types of interventions: 1: The enlargement penoplasty which allows to increase the diameter and length of the penis by 2 to 3 cm at rest, and this through a reinjection of autologous fat from another fat part of the patient's body. Enlargement leaves no visible scar. Operating time: 1h. Type of anesthesia: local thorough or general. 2: The penoplasty of lengthening which makes it possible to increase the length of the penis of 2 to 4 cm at rest, and to a lesser extent in erection. The lengthening is allowed thanks to the section of the ligament suspensory penis, through a short incision hidden in the pubic hair. Operating time: 1h. Type of anesthesia: general. These two interventions can be performed separately or be associated, and do not require hospitalization (outpatient). It is imperative to neither eat, drink nor smoke 6 hours before surgery. Sexual and sports activities must be suspended for the first 3 weeks after the procedure.
The Result:
The result is visible immediately but it is necessary to wait a period of 3 to 6 months to appreciate the final result.

mercredi 17 juillet 2019

Correction of mamelons

bulky or retracted and / or turned inward. Malformations that can easily be corrected to eliminate any feeling of embarrassment and find an aesthetic breast reconnecting with its sensuality.
Image associée

For hypertrophied nipples, the excess portion is removed in the central region, and the incision closed by a few stitches. The procedure is performed under local or partial anesthesia.
The inverted nipples are opened in their central part to release the "milk ducts" which attract the nipple inwards. Absorbable sutures on the inside give an external projection to the nipple, which resumes a classic shape.
These interventions can be combined with breast augmentation, breast reduction or facelift. The permanent tattoo can also help correct an irregular areola.
Not very painful, the procedure requires protective dressings for 2 weeks. A few bruises can occur but disappear in 10 to 15 days and the scars on the skin of the nipple and areola are very discreet. In contrast, breastfeeding is no longer possible after correction of inverted nipples.
The Results:
The surgical correction allows to find harmonious nipples and restores some sensuality to the chest.

Breast reconstruction

After removal of the mammary gland and breast in part or in its entirety (mastectomy), following a breast cancer or accident, the body is as bruised as the mind: the word "amputee" often comes back in the mouth of women concerned
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In fact, breast reconstruction with Perma aesthetic allows to obtain a better aesthetic result and enters the process of repairing the psychic shock.

Breast reduction

Breasts that are very bulky can unbalance the silhouette, cause pain in the back or neck and may cause skin maceration. It can be the source of psychological, aesthetic and functional discomfort, especially for sports activities and clothing.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "breast reduction" A breast reduction combined with other corrections solves several problems like asymmetry, poor positioning or sagging breasts, and thus offers a final result that is often exceptional.
The intervention is of a duration of 3 hours to 3:30 and practiced under general anesthesia, it aims to remove the surplus of mammary gland and / or fat, remodel the breast and replace the areola.
The scar: horizontal hidden under the breast (inverted T-scar).
Hospitalization: one night.
The Results:
A volume in adequacy with the silhouette Less back pain, the practice of the sport is made pleasant and finally dress with elegance is possible.

Breast lifting

All women want to keep the breast of their young forever, in harmony and firmness, indeed, sagging breasts are a psychological and aesthetic discomfort, and often experienced as a loss of femininity.

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Hence the role of the breast lift that offers a second life to the neckline that gains firmness, and gives a better self-image.
The facelift is indicated when pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight changes or a breast hypotrophy have caused a relaxation of the chest which then has an excess of skin and a loss of elasticity.   The surgeon removes the excess skin via an areolar or vertical incision. In Tunisia and with Peerma aesthetics the cost is within the reach of all and the best conditions of health and hygiene are assured.
The procedure lasts 2 to 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia and usually requires one night of hospitalization.
Postoperative recommendations: A medical bra should be worn during the first month.
The sport is forbidden during the first month, and you need rest without major movements for at least 10 days. Breastfeeding is still possible after the procedure although it is advisable to wait until the end of the pregnancies before carrying out the operation.
The intervention can be performed from 17 years but it is generally advisable to wait until the end of pregnancy before considering it, so as not to alter the benefits. An asymmetry correction, a reduction or a breast augmentation can be performed in the same operating time, especially in case of insufficient volume in the upper part of the cleavage.
The results: 

The next day, the behavior of the bust is visibly improved, and the chest remains natural. The result is visible in a definitive way after three months and the patient will benefit from a chest volume in harmony and in adequacy with her body. it is the best solution to restore volume to the chest without implant placement.

Breast lipofilling

Breast lipofilling, or liposculpture, is particularly suitable for women who already have a medium chest, but who want to go to the next height.
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 Indeed, it allows to win a cap without using breast implants. A significant improvement of the curve of the breast is also noted and the possibility of asymmetrical breast. Principle of breast lipofilling Lipofilling is intended for women who have excess fat, because they must take enough fat if the goal and increase the volume of the breasts (or buttocks). This is a natural technique that involves extracting fat cells that come from the belly, buttocks, thighs or other parts of the patient's body to reinject them into her breasts. Note that the fat cells are centrifuged and filtered for a few minutes before being reused. The cosmetic surgeon only keeps the "good fat cells". necessary conditions: to have a medium physical body size. This technique is not suitable for women with thin waist. The latter will be able to resort to breast augmentation with implant placement.

Breast prosthesis surgery

Recommended especially for small breasts, to correct the insufficient development of the mammary gland, or to compensate for a loss of volume following breastfeeding, slimming or hormonal disturbances.

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Duration of the intervention: between 1h to 2h

Hospitalization is short with discharge the same day or the next day
To avoid a deterioration of the result, pregnancies are to be avoided during the year following the intervention, on the other hand the implantation of implant can be carried out from 3 to 6 months after the end of a breastfeeding.
The patient must be at least 18 years old.
Implants are pockets inserted under the mammary gland, composed of a silicone envelope and a filling product

breast surgery

Chest too small, too heavy, too loose ... can become a source of complex for many women.
That's why breast surgeries are the most requested and widespread surgeries in the world, and it's necessary to make the right choices about the clinic, the surgeons, the prostheses used and the prices.

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For this, Perma aesthetic accompanies you to give you a positive image of your body by reshaping your chest to harmonize your silhouette
What is breast cosmetic surgery?
It may be to increase the volume of the breasts, change their shape, raise the chest or reduce the size of one or both breasts.
Whether aesthetic or restorative, these are fairly delicate and important operations for which care must be taken to contact experienced and well-recognized professionals.

lundi 15 juillet 2019


The arm lift, also called brachial lift or brachioplasty, is an aesthetic surgery that can treat the relaxation of the skin at the inner side of the arms. 

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For who? :

 The brachial lift is for people with loose arms or wrinkles, which suffer from loosening of tissue, excess skin and excess fat on the inner side of the arms. 


 The brachial lift in Tunisia aims to achieve the removal of excess skin and reduce the underlying fatty infiltration Local anesthesia. Operating time: 1 to 2 hours. Hospitalization: outpatient or overnight if necessary. It takes 2 weeks to resume work, and one month for sports activities. We must avoid any sudden stretching movement.


 The result of a brachial lift in Tunisia is excellent and quickly visible. It brings a nice correction in the morphology of the arm: tonic and vigorous arms.


The lifting of the thighs called "cruroplasty" or also "crural plasty" is an aesthetic surgery that consists of retightening the skin at the inner thighs, when it has lost its elasticity. 

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For who ? 

The crotch facelift is for people with unsightly loosening of the inner thighs after surgery for obesity, aging or pregnancy. 


The crural lifting consists of removing the excess skin from the inner thighs, either by incision in the groin fold, which is a concentric lifting and is performed under local anesthesia, or by a vertical incision over the entire height of the inner side of the thigh if excess skin is more important is under general anesthesia. So it's a question of removing excess skin and reducing the underlying fatty infiltration. Operating time: 1 to 2 hours Hospitalization: one or two days.


After a cruroplasty, not only will your crotch be clearer, but it will also gain in firmness. It will take 6 to 12 months to assess the final result. The bruises, bruises and / or edema will disappear after 1 to 2 weeks.


Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic slimming surgery in the world that refines, harmonizes and sculpts your figure by sucking excess fat resistant to all kinds of diet, sports activity or other technological methods. Literally, the word liposuction means the removal (sucking) of fat (lipo).

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 For who ? : 

Liposuction is for men and women who want a slimmer, more harmonious silhouette. 


In Tunisia, liposuction is less painful and less cumbersome because the cannula used to extract (suck) fat is much thinner. It leaves no visible scar. It can be performed under local, thorough or general anesthesia, depending on the area to be treated. The duration depends on the area to be treated. The areas to be treated: belly Buttocks double chin and cheeks thighs: inside thighs breeches of horse hips knees: the inside of the knees calves ankles arm: the lower bead of the arms. love handles. It is necessary to stop smoking before the intervention, and until 15 days after. Result: The result of a liposuction or liposculpture in Tunisia is visible from the first day but it will be necessary to wait about 6 to 8 weeks to obtain the final result. 

The results : 

is definitive because liposuction involves removing fat cells. However, we advise you to keep good eating habits to avoid swelling of the remaining fat cells. Detailed and personalized information will be given to you by your surgeon in consultation.

samedi 13 juillet 2019


Abdominoplasty or belly surgery is a cosmetic and plastic surgery Perfectly practiced in Tunisia which involves removing the excess skin and toning the abdominal muscles.

 The abdominoplasty surgery may vary from one person to another according to their case: mini adominoplasty, extended abdominoplasty, muscular plasty (performed in parallel in case of relaxation of the rectus muscles) and sometimes combination of liposuction in the flanks and the abdomen, performed in the same operating time. A complete personalized diagnosis (including blood work and pre-anesthetic consultation planned) is required before treatment. 

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For who ? :

Tummy tucks are for men and women who have experienced significant weight changes, successive pregnancies or those affected by the adverse effects of old age, so it is recommended for people who have an excess of fatty tissue and distension of the body. skin of the abdomen is that can sometimes be accompanied by stretch marks, or scars. 


It requires the realization of a sub-umbilical incision (below the navel) and the extraction of fat accumulated in the belly. performed under general anesthesia. Lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the surgical procedure to perform. The hospitalization is 2 days maximum. The scars : It can leave two localized scars at the suprapubic and peri-umbilical level. Their wingspan is minimized by the use of very fine and resorbable son of sutures.
 Abdominoplasty and pregnancy: 
This cosmetic surgery is recommended to erase the undesirable effects of pregnancy, such as an increase in belly volume, but it is possible after at least 6 months of delivery, that is to say as soon as the initial weight is found and the stabilized abdominal wall.


The final result is acquired from the 3rd month. The belly will be well firmed and the muscles will be tight. The patient must have a healthy lifestyle and balanced to ensure the sustainability of this aspect.

Buccal fat removal

Bichectomy also called the reduction of Bichat's balls
is a cosmetic surgery that improves the facial features and significantly refine the bichat 
ball to allow to dig the cheeks.
This is the treatment of the "baby" aspect.
The balls of Bichat are normal masses of fat located in the cheeks, under the cheekbones, 
responsible for the too filled appearance of the cheeks.
The bichectomy is a cosmetic surgery very common in the fashion world, presenters TV,
and also in people wishing to harmonize the volume of their cheeks to highlight their 

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For who ? :

the Bichat balls reduction is for people who want to refine their faces by getting rid of the 
"puffy" look. (Bichat balls hypertrophied).


The bichectomy consists in removing only a part of the Bichat ball and not all of it, 
that's why it is called REDUCTION of the Bichat balls.
The surgeon makes an incision that measures between 10 and 20 mm inside the mouth
 above the upper molars, in the lining of the inside of the cheek to identify the
Bichat ball and remove the excess that expresses itself spontaneously so as not to 
damage all anatomical structures.
No visible scar since the incision is hidden inside the mouth.
Operating time: 45 minutes.
Type of anesthesia: general
Hospitalization: outpatient


The result of the bichectomy is visible immediately which allows the surgeon to measure
the reduction of the fat ball, however, it will not be definitive after 3 months the time 
required for the edema is resorbed.

Lipofilling of the face

The facial lipofilling in Tunisia or also lipostructure is an aesthetic surgery that allows to restore volume to a face, to reshape cheeks, to fill deep wrinkles, to treat folds of bitterness or an eyebrow. 

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For who ? :

Lipofilling face is for men and women who want to rejuvenate their faces or sculpt their features.


Lipofilling is the process of taking fat from the patient's body from an area that does not leave any visible marks, such as knees, belly, hips or buttocks, then purifying the fat with a filtration system to keep only the so-called pure fat and reinject it using a microcannula into the recipient area.
Lipo (fat) filling (filling) The lipofilling procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
Operating time: 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the number of areas to be grafted.
Hospitalization: a few hours (outpatient) Work leave: 5 days The patient must avoid sun exposure on the day of the procedure. Lipofilling can be combined with other cosmetic treatments such as facelifts or blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).


The result is visible immediately but the final result is visible after about 3 months, the time that the fat is stabilized in the injected area. the lipofiling or the lipostructure is well mastered by our surgeons in Tunisia, it allows to restore the volumes of the face while preserving the global harmony, respecting its proportions, while leaving him a natural aspect, which gives to the patient a real good to be psychological. The injected fat in the face also improves the quality of the skin.


The detached ears popularly known as "cauliflower ears" do not cause any repercussions
on hearing, but they can cause, from childhood, psychic and social problems, 
hence the role of otoplasty.

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Otoplasty in Tunisia is the surgery of the ears detached or hypertrophied which
serves to reposition the ears or to
reshape their shapes and / or sizes so that they are in harmony with the rest of the face.
Otoplasty can also correct ears with torn or long lobes.

There are three types of detached ears that can occur in isolation or in combination:
When the anthelix is ​​the central fold of the ear, is insufficiently formed, the ear appears
 too smooth, unfolded. The correction consists of reshaping the cartilage.
When the helix which is the edge of the ear, is insufficiently formed, the ears are small
and rounded.
When the ear horn is highly developed, accentuating the projection of the ears forward.

For who ?? :

Otoplasty in Tunisia is for all people with an abnormality, it can be done at any age,
however, for children it is necessary to wait until the age of 7 years, the time required 
for the growth of the ear .

Intervention :

The surgeon makes an incision behind the flag and reposition the cartilage, and sometimes he takes a piece of cartilage for
reduce the size of the ear if it is necessary, and finally it draws the stitches in order to set up the dressing that will be removed after 3 days.
The scar is very discreet, it is hidden behind the ear.
The patient must wear a protection strip for 2 weeks, day and night.
Operating time: 1 to 2 hours
Anesthesia: Local with or without sedation.
Hospitalization: outpatient.
Work stoppage: 7 days.


The results of the otoplasty in Tunisia is durable and excellent.
Otoplasty presents a solution to the various psychological and social problems, it is used to obtain ears "glued", symmetrical, non-hypertrophic, and in harmony with the face.
The final result will be appreciated a few months after the intervention, the time necessary for the edema to be resorbed.


Mental cosmetic surgery or genioplasty / mentoplasty is an effective plastic surgery
that corrects two types of chin imperfections: the chin too advanced, protruding galle, 
and the receding chin that is in the recoil position, to obtain a harmony of the profile
and a better balance between the chin and the rest of the face.

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It consists in correcting the shape of the chin which will then be fixed by titanium plates
and screws.
The duration is approximately 1 hour to 1:30
under general or local anesthesia depending on the defect to be corrected.
Hospitalization of 3 nights for post-operative care to be provided in the clinic.
On the aesthetic level, an imaginary line appears when you see the face of the profile. 
This line is drawn from the forehead passing over the tip of the nose and down to the
 base of the chin.
The procedure does not affect the dentate or the cheeks.
The patient must be over 18 years old.


The result is visible immediately,
a chin refined and in harmony with the profile, but it is definitive only after 3 months 
after the complete resorption of the edema.